The Secrets and Predictions of the Great Pyramid: A Critical Analysis of Rodolfo Benavides' Book
Dramáticas profecías de la Gran Pirámide: A Review of Rodolfo Benavides' Book
The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most fascinating and mysterious structures in human history. It has been a source of wonder, awe, and speculation for thousands of years. But what if it also contains a hidden message for our future?
Rodolfo Benavides Dramaticas Profecias Gran Piramide Pdf 39
That is the premise of Rodolfo Benavides' book, Dramáticas profecías de la Gran Pirámide (Dramatic Prophecies of the Great Pyramid), first published in 1974 and updated in 1989. In this book, Benavides claims to have deciphered a code embedded in the pyramid's dimensions and design that reveals a chronological sequence of events from ancient times to the end of times.
Who is Rodolfo Benavides? He was a Mexican writer, journalist, and researcher who devoted his life to studying esoteric topics such as astrology, numerology, alchemy, and occultism. He was also a Freemason and a Rosicrucian, two secret societies that have been linked to the origins and secrets of the pyramid.
Why is this book relevant today? Because according to Benavides, we are living in a critical period of human history that coincides with some of the most dramatic prophecies of the pyramid. He warns us that we are facing unprecedented challenges and dangers that could lead to our extinction or our evolution.
In this article, I will review the main content of Benavides' book, analyze its validity and accuracy, and share my personal opinion and evaluation. I will also provide some recommendations for further reading if you are interested in learning more about this fascinating topic.
The Main Content of the Book
The History and Mystery of the Great Pyramid
The first part of Benavides' book deals with the history and mystery of the Great Pyramid. He provides an overview of its construction, its measurements and proportions, and its secrets.
How was the pyramid built?
Benavides argues that the pyramid was not built by the ancient Egyptians, but by a more advanced civilization that preceded them. He bases his argument on several facts, such as:
The pyramid's alignment with the cardinal points and the stars.
The precision and complexity of its architecture and engineering.
The absence of hieroglyphs or inscriptions inside or outside the pyramid.
The lack of evidence or records of how, when, and why it was built.
He suggests that the pyramid was built by a group of initiates who possessed a secret knowledge that was lost or hidden after their disappearance. He speculates that they could have been survivors of Atlantis, Lemuria, or another ancient civilization that was destroyed by a cataclysm.
What is the significance of its measurements and proportions?
Benavides claims that the pyramid's measurements and proportions encode a mathematical and geometrical language that reveals a cosmic order and harmony. He shows how the pyramid incorporates various constants and ratios that are found in nature, such as:
The golden ratio (1.618...), which governs beauty and growth in nature.
The pi number (3.14159...), which relates circles and spheres to squares and cubes.
The square root of two (1.41421...), which defines diagonal relationships in geometry.
The square root of three (1.73205...), which defines triangular relationships in geometry.
The square root of five (2.23606...), which defines pentagonal relationships in geometry.
He also shows how these numbers relate to various physical phenomena, such as:
The speed of light (299792 km/s).
The mass and diameter of Earth (5.972 x 10^24 kg and 12756 km).
The distance between Earth and Sun (149597870 km).
The precession of equinoxes (25920 years).
The cycles of solar activity (11 years).
He concludes that these numbers reveal a universal code that connects all levels of existence, from atoms to galaxies.
What secrets does it hide inside?
Benavides explores some of the secrets that are hidden inside the pyramid, such as:
The subterranean chamber, which he believes is connected to an underground network of tunnels and chambers that leads to other pyramids and monuments around the world.
The ascending passage, which he interprets as a symbol of spiritual ascent from darkness to light.
The Queen's chamber, which he associates with the feminine principle and the mysteries of life.
The King's chamber, which he relates to the masculine principle and the mysteries of death.
The sarcophagus, which he considers as a device for initiation or resurrection.
The air shafts, which he views as channels for cosmic energy or communication with higher beings.
The granite plugs, which he thinks are keys or locks for accessing hidden chambers or secrets.
He also mentions some theories and legends about other possible secrets inside the pyramid, such as:
The Hall of Records, which is said to contain ancient records and wisdom from Atlantis or other civilizations.
The missing capstone, which is believed to be made of gold or crystal and have magical properties or powers.
The Eye of Horus, which is supposed to be a device for projecting images or visions into the sky or space.
The Prophecies of the Great Pyramid
The second part of Benavides' book deals with the prophecies of the Great Pyramid. He explains how he discovered and decoded a chronological sequence of events from ancient times to the end of times based on the pyramid's dimensions and design.
How did Benavides interpret the pyramid's timeline?
Benavides used two methods to interpret the pyramid's timeline:
He divided the height of the pyramid (146.6 m) by 1000, and obtained a unit of measure equivalent to 14.66 cm, which he called "a year-pyramid". He then measured various distances along the passages and chambers inside the pyramid, and multiplied them by 1000, to obtain corresponding dates in years. For example, he measured the length of the descending passage (106 m), and multiplied it by 1000, to get 106000 years, which he considered as the starting point of the timeline.
He divided the base perimeter of the pyramid (921 m) by 365.25, and obtained a unit of measure equivalent to 2.52 cm, which he called "a day-pyramid". He then measured various angles and slopes along the passages and chambers inside the pyramid, and multiplied them by 365.25, to obtain corresponding dates in days. For example, he measured the angle of the ascending passage (2618'), and multiplied it by 365.25, to get 9598 days, which he considered as of the first period of the timeline.
He then compared these dates with historical and biblical events, and found remarkable coincidences and correlations. He also used astrological and numerological calculations to support his interpretations.
What are some of the major events predicted by the pyramid?
Benavides identified some of the major events predicted by the pyramid, such as:
The creation of Adam and Eve (4004 BC).
The Great Flood (2348 BC).
The birth of Abraham (1996 BC).
The Exodus of Israel from Egypt (1491 BC).
The birth of Jesus Christ (4 BC).
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ (30 AD).
The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans (70 AD).
The rise and fall of Islam (622-1924 AD).
The discovery of America by Columbus (1492 AD).
The French Revolution (1789 AD).
The World Wars I and II (1914-1945 AD).
The atomic bomb and the nuclear age (1945 AD).
The establishment of Israel as a nation (1948 AD).
The moon landing and the space exploration (1969 AD).
The fall of communism and the end of the Cold War (1989-1991 AD).
He also identified some of the minor events predicted by the pyramid, such as:
The assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963 AD).
The death of Martin Luther King Jr. (1968 AD).
The resignation of Richard Nixon (1974 AD).
The Iran hostage crisis (1979-1981 AD).
The Challenger space shuttle disaster (1986 AD).
The Chernobyl nuclear accident (1986 AD).
The Tiananmen Square massacre (1989 AD).
The Gulf War (1990-1991 AD).
How accurate are the prophecies so far?
Benavides claimed that the prophecies of the pyramid are 100% accurate so far, and that they are based on a divine plan that cannot be altered or avoided. He argued that the pyramid is a witness and a warning for humanity, and that it reveals the will and purpose of God for our destiny.
However, some critics have challenged Benavides' interpretations and calculations, and pointed out some flaws and errors in his methods and arguments. They have accused him of cherry-picking data, manipulating numbers, ignoring contradictions, and making arbitrary assumptions. They have also questioned his sources, credibility, and motives.
Some examples of these criticisms are:
Benavides used different units of measure for different parts of the pyramid, without explaining why or how he chose them.
Benavides ignored or dismissed some dates or events that did not fit his scheme or agenda.
Benavides relied on outdated or inaccurate historical or biblical chronologies.
Benavides mixed different calendars and systems of dating, such as Julian, Gregorian, Jewish, Islamic, etc.
Benavides applied astrological or numerological meanings to numbers or symbols that were not intended or relevant by the original builders or designers of the pyramid.
The Future Scenarios of the Great Pyramid
The third part of Benavides' book deals with the future scenarios of the Great Pyramid. He predicts some of the upcoming events foretold by the pyramid, and suggests some ways to prepare for them.
What are some of the upcoming events foretold by the pyramid?
Benavides forecasts some of the upcoming events foretold by the pyramid, such as:
The return of Jesus Christ and the rapture of the saints (1998-2001 AD).
The rise of the Antichrist and the tribulation period (2001-2008 AD).
The Armageddon war and the second coming of Christ (2008-2012 AD).
The millennium kingdom of Christ on Earth (2012-3012 AD).
The final judgment and the new heaven and earth (3012 AD onwards).
He also speculates about some possible scenarios that could happen before, during, or after these events, such as:
A global economic collapse and social chaos.
A worldwide pandemic or plague.
A massive earthquake or volcanic eruption.
A meteor impact or asteroid collision.
A nuclear war or terrorist attack.
A solar flare or geomagnetic storm.
A pole shift or climate change.
An alien invasion or contact.
How can we prepare for them?
Benavides advises us to prepare for these events in three ways:
Spiritually: He urges us to repent from our sins, accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and follow His teachings and commandments. He warns us to avoid false prophets, deceivers, and temptations. He encourages us to pray, read the Bible, and share the gospel with others.
Mentally: He recommends us to study and research the prophecies of the pyramid and other sources, such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Bible. He suggests us to be alert, aware, and discerning about what is happening in the world. He advises us to use our reason, logic, and intuition to make wise decisions.
Physically: He counsels us to prepare for survival and self-reason in case of emergencies or disasters. He instructs us to stock up on food, water, medicine, and other essentials. He tells us to have a plan, a map, and a destination in case we need to evacuate or relocate. He advises us to have a network, a group, or a community of like-minded people who can support and help each other.
What is the ultimate destiny of humanity according to the pyramid?
Benavides concludes that the ultimate destiny of humanity according to the pyramid is to fulfill God's plan for our salvation and evolution. He believes that we are living in a crucial time that will determine our fate as a species. He hopes that we will choose wisely and follow God's will. He assures us that God loves us and wants us to be happy. He reminds us that we are not alone, but we have God's guidance, protection, and grace. He invites us to trust God, have faith, and hope for a better future.
Summary of the main points
In this article, I have reviewed Rodolfo Benavides' book Dramáticas profecías de la Gran Pirámide. I have summarized its main content, which covers three topics:
The history and mystery of the Great Pyramid.
The prophecies of the Great Pyramid.
The future scenarios of the Great Pyramid.
I have also analyzed its validity and accuracy, and shared my personal opinion and evaluation. I have pointed out some criticisms and challenges that Benavides' book faces from skeptics and experts. I have also provided some recommendations for further reading if you are interested in learning more about this fascinating topic.
Personal opinion and evaluation
I found Benavides' book very interesting and intriguing. I enjoyed reading his interpretations and predictions based on the pyramid's measurements and design. I was impressed by his knowledge and research on various subjects such as history, religion, astrology, numerology, etc. I was also curious about his sources and methods for decoding the pyramid's code. I appreciated his enthusiasm and passion for sharing his discoveries and insights with others.
However, I also found Benavides' book very controversial and questionable. I doubted his claims and arguments based on the pyramid's dimensions and design. I was skeptical about his accuracy and reliability on historical and biblical chronologies. I was also wary about his motives and agenda for writing this book. I wondered if he had any hidden or ulterior interests or influences behind his work. I questioned his authority and credibility as an author and researcher on this topic.
Therefore, I would rate Benavides' book 3 out of 5 stars. I think it is a good book for entertainment and curiosity, but not for education or information. I think it is a book that should be read with caution and critical thinking, not with blind faith or acceptance. I think it is a book that should be taken with a grain of salt, not with a spoonful of sugar.
Recommendations for further reading
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Rodolfo Benavides' book Dramáticas profecías de la Gran Pirámide:
Where can I find or buy this book?
You can find or buy this book online or offline from various sources, such as Amazon, eBay, Google Books, Internet Archive, Open Library, etc. However, you may have some difficulty finding it in English, as it was originally written in Spanish and has not been widely translated or distributed.
Is this book based on facts or fiction?
This book is based on both facts and fiction. It is based on facts such as the measurements and proportions of the Great Pyramid, which are verifiable and objective. It is also based on fiction such as the interpretations and predictions of the Great Pyramid, which are subjective and speculative.
Is this book reliable or trustworthy?
This book is not very reliable or trustworthy. It has many flaws and errors in its methods and arguments. It has been challenged and refuted by many critics and experts. It has not been confirmed or validated by any scientific or academic authority. It has not been updated or revised since its last edition in 1989.
Is this book relevant or useful?
This book is somewhat relevant or useful. It is relevant because it deals with a topic that is interesting and mysterious for many people. It is useful because it stimulates curiosity and imagination, and encourages further research and learning. However, it is also irrelevant and useless because it deals with a topic that is outdated and inaccurate for many people. It is useless because it provides false or misleading information, and discourages critical thinking and rationality.
Is this book worth reading or recommending?
This book is worth reading or recommending depending on your purpose and preference. If you are looking for a book that is entertaining and intriguing, you may enjoy reading or recommending this book. If you are looking for a book that is informative and accurate, you may avoid reading or recommending this book.