Sweet Devil Hunter
This Mopsus meeting one Chalchas, a Man likewise eminent in the same devilish Profession, they fell into Dispute about some things relating to their ART. Mopsus ask'd Chalchas, how many Figs such a wild Fig-tree, as he pointed out to him, had upon it; the Southsayer Chalchas would not answer him, but alledg'd, that it was not a fair Question. Upon which Mopsus told him the Number, and upon counting them up, it was found true to a Fig; upon which Chalchas was so confounded, not being able to conceive how it was perform'd, that tho' the thing was trifling, he died for Grief.
Sweet Devil Hunter
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That they believ'd so is evident from the Words of the same Chap. Gen. xliv.5. Is not this it in which my Lord drinketh, and whereby he divineth? The Words are fully explain'd by the Customs and Usage of the Magicians and Devil-hunters in those Days; who used strange Gestures, and clanging Sounds, such, or not much unlike such as our old Women now use to hive their Bees; by these they call'd the familiar Devils, the Pythons and Apollyons of their Acquaintance about them, whatever Occasions made it necessary for them to speak with them. 041b061a72